New Resource: SepiSolar’s Considerations for Specifying PV System Output Equipment

This post was written by Josh Weiner, Solar Expert Witness & Solar Engineering Expert. Mr. Weiner has been at the forefront of the solar energy industry for over 20 years and is an industry leader on solar-plus-storage engineering & design. Josh’s expertise spans both in-front of and behind-the-meter initiatives including residential, commercial, utility, grid-scale, and ev charging solar and storage applications.
When it comes to choosing the equipment used to interconnect the combined output of a PV system to the utility grid, it is important to ensure that the equipment is sized in order to withstand the full amount of power capable of being delivered by the PV system.
SepiSolar’s recently published a white paper that describes what our engineers consider before recommending PV system output equipment.
Download this resource and learn how SepiSolar engineers conduct a comprehensive evaluation.